Today the boys have designed a “Recycloreptile” and they are going to make it next THURSDAY. They have written down on a post-it note what they need to bring in, which is in their reading record book, so you have time to sort through your recycling and collect the items together.

Many Thanks

Show and Tell

Dear 2F

As you know, we all very much look forward to Show and Tell, and from next week, we would like to keep our Show and Tell related to our topic which is ‘Our World’. We have covered several exciting subjects so far and the boys have been keen to locate countries on the globe. We have also covered serious topics such as the effects of global warming.  I would be delighted to see souvenirs from different countries that they may have visited, information on a particular subject that they have researched in their homework or perhaps information about what may be going on in the news that will affect us (e.g. the US elections). This will allow us to have an even more immersive topic and we will all learn something new during this exciting part of the week.


Please can we keep to books or small objects so that your sons are best able to speak clearly whilst showing their offerings.


Best regards


Mrs Francis

‘I did it!’ Stickers

Dear all,

I have been giving boys stickers for showing independence in the classroom (happening in several of the classes in the school as part of a larger project). This can include tidying up without being asked, going and getting a pencil from another table if they can’t see one to use on theirs, helping me or each-other, waiting patiently. Some boys are already shining at this activity and you will see that they have stickers on their jumpers or shirts.

All the best

Mrs Francis

Telling The Time

Morning all,

The boys have been working hard on telling the time this week (including the 24 hour digital clock). If anyone has an iPad at home, it would be worth letting them play some of the games from this link:

Also when close to a 24 hour digital clock in the afternoon and evening (e.g. car, microwave, iPhone), it would be great if you could ask the boys what they think the time is? We have been been trying to work it out by counting on from 12 (so 14:00 is 12 plus 2 as it is the afternoon or after 12.00 / lunchtime). It is always great to see the relevance of our learning in the real world.

All the best

Mrs Francis

Songs and Homework






Show and Tell (2) Show and Tell


Hi 2F,

Thank you for letting me know that the test post worked!

I just wanted to add a couple of photo’s of Eddie and Oliver’s ‘teddy show’ that they did today as well as let you have the link for a song that the boys have asked me to play over and over this week!

Also please could I remind you that the Spelling Challenge books must be in by Thursday at the latest or I will not have time to mark them for Friday (I mark them Thursday evening).

The boys have the x 5 table in their books to learn this week as well as their spellings. They will have a test on both next Friday.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Francis