Maths – Time

We have been learning all about analogue and digital clocks today.

I have set the challenge to comment with a time problem for your friends to solve. This was one from today’s lesson,

A school finishes at 3.15pm (quarter past 3). If the school day lasts 7 hours, what time does the school day start?

Here is a wonderful game to play at home,

This week we are learning about time. The boys really enjoyed playing a ‘stop the clock’ game today.

The boys can challenge themselves at home by accessing the three different levels using the link above. Please comment to let us know how they get on. Thank you.


Mime the Adverb Game

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. An adverb describes actions, and it describes other descriptive words.

Mime the Adverb Game

Mime the adverb is a simple and fun game to practice adverbs with your family at home.

Select an adverb from the list below and mime the action while your family members guess the adverb.

You can award points to each player or teams for each word correctly guessed. Set a time limit to make the game more challenging.

Have fun!














Please comment to let us know all about your game. Thank you.

Right angle puzzle questions

Today we created ‘right angle gobblers’ to identify right angles.

Can you comment with the answers to these two investigative questions?

1. How many times in twelve hours do the hands of a clock form a right angle?

2. How can you place two sticks to make one right angle? Now make two right angles using the two sticks. Can you make three right angles? Four right angles? (You could email photos to your teacher to show these solutions).

Good luck!

Investigating how materials change

Today we learnt about the characteristics of materials. We carried out an investigation to see if different materials could be twisted, squashed, stretched and bent.

Do you remember which objects could be stretched and twisted?

Which objects were we unable to change?

Have a look at the BBC Science Clips website. Please use this link to access at home,

Materials- testing the strength of different plastic bags

We tested the strength of five plastic bags in our Science lesson this afternoon.

Our investigation was a fair test because we only changed one variable each time.  Do you remember which variable was changed?

It was interesting to discover that four bags were extremely strong. Which bags were the strongest?

Can you test the strength of other plastic bags at home? Make sure that an adult helps as the bags get very heavy.

Plastics are materials made from chemicals and are not found in nature. They are strong and waterproof, and can be made into any shape by applying heat. Plastics can also be dyed different colours or made to be transparent. Plastics are used to make all sorts of things, such as bags, bottles and toys.

Have a look at the BBC Bitesize website to find out more about plastics and other materials.