Maths Challenges – Coins

1. Take five coins: 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p.

Put them in a row using these clues.
The total of the first three coins is 27p.
The total of the last three coins is 31p.
The last coin is double the value of the first coin.


2. Take six coins: two 1p, two 2p and two 5p.

Put them in a row using these clues.
Between the two 1p coins there is one coin.
Between the two 2p coins there are two coins.
Between the two 5p coins there are three coins.
What if you take two 10p coins as well, and
between them are four coins?


1. If you could change one rule that your family has, what would you change?

2. What is something that makes your family special?

3. Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you are an adult?


Litter picking

This lovely boy has shared his photos from a community litter pick at the weekend. We have been told that he was such a good boy, the only child there and worked very hard, didn’t get bored, and was telling people all about why litter was so bad!





Hasan’s 500 word story

This is a story about nine brothers. One was called Mercury who was too hard. The other was called Venus who had no water. Earth had people living on him. Mars was very rocky with 2 moon kids. Jupiter spun the fastest. Saturn was a gas giant with rings made of ice. Uranus had rings made from dust. Neptune had storms. Pluto was small and cold and a dwarf. They all loved playing together.


The planets wanted to live with each other so they go and live with each planet.


First, they live on Mercury, but it was too hot and too hard. They tried Venus but it was too dry and they were all very thirsty as there was no water. Earth was too crowded with people. Mars was so rocky that everyone kept hurting themselves! Jupiter was very boring because the planets kept going in and out of the other end of Jupiter because it is a big ball of gas. They had fun sliding down Saturn’s rings but they got a bit cold and tired after a while. On Uranus they tried sliding down the rings but they kept falling off and got really dusty. Neptune was the worst planet due to the storms. Pluto was too cold and too small and they all couldn’t fit! The planets were not happy.


Just then, a spaceship drops an I-phone. The next minute the planets were all arguing about who would keep the I-phone. “That’s it!” boomed a voice from the phone. “You have to live on your own” the voice said. It was their daddy Mr Sun speaking. Now they were all even more sad.


The planets cheered themselves up by deciding to do something adventurous. They swapped places.”Yay yay yay!” they said. Earth went to Mercury’s place but it was too hot and there were lots of fires. Mercury went to Pluto’s space but he was too far away from his daddy Mr Sun and he missed him very much.


This plan of adventures did not seem to be working.


The Sun called all the planets for a meeting. They watched a funny video which made them laugh and cheered them up. The Sun then gave all the planets an I-phone each so the planets could keep in touch. He told all the planets to move back to their original places.


Every planet was happy to be back in his old space again. They chatted on their new phones and sent messages to each other with photos of what each of them was up to. Every now and then they met at Mr Sun’s for a get together. But they went back to their own homes because that’s where they were all happy.


Home sweet home! It’s the best place in the world.


Creative Writing prompt- Looking down

Looking Down

Writing Prompts Ideas

  • I looked down at the ground…
  • The crew began preparing the cabin for landing, I could not wait to arrive in…
  • During our flight…
  • As we flew across…
  • I looked out the window, I could see my…

Five Ws and One H

  • Who is the character?
  • Where is the character?
  • When did the event take place?
  • Why…
    • Why is the character there?
    • Why did this happen?
    • Did something cause this to happen?
  • What…
    • What is happening?
    • Can you provide more detailed information?
  • How…
    • How did the character get there?
    • How did the character get out of their situation?
    • How did this happen?
    • Can you provide more information to prove this?

Please comment with your creative writing ideas. Thank you.