Maths – Mass

Our Maths lesson today involved predicting and comparing the mass of different classroom objects. Well done to the boys for excellent collaborative work.

Challenge task

Can you find items at home that weigh,

  1. 1 kg
  2. 500g
  3. 10g
  4. 250g
  5. 40g
  6. 3kg?

Please comment with your findings to receive a token for your team.

I can’t wait to see how you get on.



Mental health week – breakfast

On Monday 7th February we enjoyed a Mental Health Awareness Breakfast. Boys were asked to bring in a small packed breakfast. The idea was to provide an opportunity for an informal and gentle start to the day and week. Very much like a family meal time – coming together to strengthen ties and build relationships. These things lead to a sense of belonging and to better self-esteem.

The 2WA boys were delighted to have time for a simple, reflective start to the week.