First Full Week Back

It has been a busy but fun start to the new term.

We have made New Year Resolutions!


Each boy has made a commitment to something they wish to improve, start or change in the coming year. They are up on display for them to remind themselves and see how they are progressing with them.

The boys have been working hard and have started some exciting new topics!

In geography we have been exploring ‘rainforests.’ The boys have looked at where they are found and what they are like.

Can you name a famous rainforest boys? Can you remember where they are found?

History has seen us looking at 3 famous queens from British history. The boys have been thinking about monarchs and the monarchy. They had remembered lots of facts about the 3 queens in particular we are finding out about.

Can you name the 3 queens?

Can you chronologically order them according to when they reigned?

Our art lesson involved the boys tissue papering parrots in bright and beautiful colours for our rainforest display. Some even coloured in sloths who are hanging from the branches. This is very much a work in progress and we will continue to add to it.

Science took the boys on a material hunt around the grounds. Can you name 4 different types of materials and what they are used for?

Maths had been focussing on division and sharing. This will continue next week to consolidate the boys learning.

Have a lovely weekend boys.